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    17 Libraries That'll Make You Say, "My Library Needs That!"

    More reasons to hide out in a library all day!

    1. This receipt tells you how much money you saved by borrowing books from the library:

    2. The mystery section in this library has a secret bookshelf, which honestly, is the coolest thing:

    3. This library has a directory for topics that people might feel uncomfortable asking a librarian about:

    4. This library has a "cone of silence" so people can talk on the phone without disrupting others:

    5. This library allows you to reduce your fine for overdue books by staying and reading in the library:

    6. Feeling a little cold while studying? This library has blankets you can borrow:

    7. The children's section in this library has gaps so children can walk through the shelves:

    8. This library not only allows you to check out books, but also cake pans so you don't have to go buy a star-shaped pan for a one-time use:

    9. This local library has a mini art vending machine, so you can take a little piece of history home with you:

    10. Meanwhile, this library has a laptop vending machine just in case you need one or forgot yours at home:

    11. This library lets you check out a book club in a bag for you and your friends:

    12. This library has small squares of bubble wrap that you can pop if you're stressed while studying:

    13. The children's section of this library has chairs that allow you to pull a cover all the way down for some extra privacy while reading.

    14. This library created "binge-boxes" so you can check out multiple movies when your only plans for the weekend are with your couch:

    15. Because it's 2018, this library helps teach people how to spot fake news:

    16. Don't know what book to read this week? This library has "blind date books" where you only know the book's genre and first line:

    17. Finally, this subway car brings a mini library right to your evening commute: